- Yes. We have a free Alkaline Water station to keep you hydrated. We sell BESPOKE glass Bottles.
- Did you know that Alkaline water is used for:
- Promote healthy weight loss ( A recent study on alkaline water reports that people who drank alkaline water lost an average of 12 pounds over 2 months.)
- Natural Detoxification
- Powerful Hydration and Proper hydration (may prevent heart attacks and stroke
- Maintain your metabolism
- Reduce appetite
- Support healthy probiotics
- Protect against the toxic effects of mercury
- Helps the body excrete toxins
- Cells hydrate quickly
- Improve athletic hydration and recovery
Also, for your convenience, we sell Bottled water. We encourage our clients to be as ecologically conscious as possible and ask you to bring your own reusable bottle or buy ours to help reduce our plastic bottle refuse.